What to do if your neck hurts?

Doctor conducts diagnostic examination of patient with neck pain

Neck pain can occur for a variety of reasons. Let's give an answer to the question "What to do if the neck hurts? " And advise on the best methods of treatment.

Pain in the neck can cause significant discomfort to all of us. At the same time, the usual way of life is disturbed, and the person is deprived of the opportunity to perform their daily work. He often has dizziness, tinnitus, and deterioration of his visual organs. The reasons for such violations can be of a very different nature. We will discuss this further.

What are neck pain?

Neck pain may be temporary and cause a person only mild discomfort, or it may be more severe and disrupt the usual pace of life. Typically, patients notice a sharp muscle spasm in this part of the body, which is accompanied by severe pain. It can be throbbing, painful, or tingling.

A woman worries about a sharp pain in the neck

In this case, an increase in discomfort is observed during the period of physical activity or with a prolonged stay in one position. For these reasons, a person should make turns with the whole body in order to avoid an increased load on the neck.

So, neck pain can be classified as follows:

  • Sharp. Duration no more than 10 days;
  • Chronic. disturb the person for a long time;
  • Vertebrogenic. They occur in the presence of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cervical spine, including compression of the roots of the spinal cord and lesions of the intervertebral discs;
  • Non-vertebrogenic. They are manifested against the background of other negative factors, including inflammatory and infectious processes in the muscle region, disorders of the lymph nodes and thyroid gland.

With painful sensations of a vertebrogenic nature, discomfort is observed in the upper limbs, back of the head, shoulder joint and hands. In this case, there is a loss of sensitivity, limitation of motor activity and numbness in the area of the limbs, which is considered a consequence of compression of the spinal roots. In addition, in these cases, the patient notes an acute pain syndrome in the area of the head, dizziness and the appearance of fainting, which indicates the presence of an intervertebral disc herniation.

The need for an urgent visit to a specialist is indicated by the presence of painful sensations of an acute nature, which are accompanied by loss of sensitivity in the back of the head, the appearance of tinnitus and dizziness.

Neurologist examines patient with neck pain

Causes of neck pain

Before deciding what to do if your neck hurts, you need to accurately diagnose the nature of the disease. In some cases, it can be difficult for a person to distinguish between pain in the throat and discomfort in the cervical spine, as the sensations can be intense and associated with pain throughout the neck. If at the same time the patient experiences fever or sore throat, it may indicate the presence of viral infections, including: pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, ARVI, etc. In addition, similar symptoms can occur when:

  • Insufficient supply of vitamins in the body;
  • If there are foreign bodies in the throat area;
  • Increased synthesis of cortisol by the adrenal cortex;
  • The presence of pathological neoplasms in the throat;
  • Gastroesophageal reflux.

But, as a rule, patients are able to distinguish diseases of the throat region from neck pain, which can be localized in the anterior, posterior and lateral parts of it.

Patient suffering from pain in the front of the neck

Causes of pain in the front of the neck

The appearance of discomfort in the front of the neck or under the chin can be observed against the background of:

  • Inflammation in the area of muscles associated with nerves and ligaments;
  • Pathological processes in the thyroid gland;
  • Acute insufficiency of blood supply to the myocardium;
  • In the presence of abscesses and cystic formations;
  • Destructive processes in the area of the lymph nodes.

It should be noted that the factors causing pain in this part of the body are difficult to determine. In such cases, it is better to make an appointment with an experienced specialist for an accurate diagnosis of the disease.

It is important to note that discomfort in the front of the neck can occur when the nerve roots are compressed and with pathological changes in the intervertebral discs.

Causes of pain in the neck

One of the questions frequently asked by modern people looks like this: "What if the neck hurts from behind? "'Indeed, physical inactivity, prolonged use of the computer, the presence of addictions, the refusal to practice a healthy lifestyle - all this can lead to pathological disorders of the vertebrae and, as a result, provoke theonset of neck pain.

Protrusion of the intervertebral disc is the cause of neck pain

Therefore, if you have a sore neck from behind and do not know what to do with unpleasant manifestations, first of all we recommend that you contact an experienced vertebrologist or manual. The fact is that the above signs most often indicate serious pathologies of the spine, in particular:

  • Osteochondrosis. It is characterized by degenerative-dystrophic disorders in the intervertebral discs, as well as a decrease in their strength and height;
  • Protrusion. We are talking about the protrusion of the intervertebral disc, which increases the risk of pinching the arteries and nerve roots;
  • Herniated disc of the spine. In the absence of timely therapeutic measures, the nucleus pulposus can increase and enter the spinal canal. In this case, the spinal cord and nerve roots are compressed. In advanced stages, the contents of the intervertebral disc are able to separate and "float freely" along the spinal canal. This, in turn, can cause a complete lack of motor activity in the spine;
  • Spondylosis. We are talking about a disease in which pathological bone growths appear on the extreme part of the vertebrae. In this case, flattening of the intervertebral discs occurs, which can gradually provoke pathological connections of neighboring vertebrae and a decrease in motor activity in the neck;
  • Myofascial syndrome. A pathological process characterized by the appearance of spasms in muscle tissue and, as a result, the appearance of acute pain syndrome during the period of movement;
  • Compression fractures. This process occurs in the area of the vertebrae in the elderly. It manifests itself after a whiplash or osteoporosis, and is a serious danger to the human body;
  • Ankylosing spondylitis. It is accompanied by pathological fusion of the vertebrae, damage to all joints and a total decrease in motor activity.

In rare cases, pain in the neck occurs against the background of osteomyelitis or tuberculosis of the spine.

The deposition of cholesterol on the inner walls of blood vessels causes pain on the side of the neck

What is the cause of pain in the side of the neck?

Typically, the pain in the side of the neck is throbbing or tingling. In addition, the pain can radiate to the ear or shoulder joint, often causing the neck to bend towards the lesion. Similar situations arise in the presence of the following conditions:

  • Vascular pathologies, including the deposition of cholesterol on the internal walls of blood vessels;
  • Muscle spasms, which are manifested due to excessive stress on the neck, exposure to thermal factors or a sudden change in the position of the head;
  • The presence of malignant formations in the larynx, pharynx or thyroid gland.

Neck Pain Diagnosis

So, to understand what to do if the neck hurts, first of all you need to know the etiology of the origin of the disease. The most common cause of discomfort is a pathological process in the cervical vertebrae. That is why, when the first unpleasant symptoms appear, it is recommended to consult a vertebrologist, neurologist or manual.

MRI of the cervical spine is the best method to diagnose neck pain

After listening to the patient's complaints and carrying out the necessary diagnostic measures, the doctor will make clear recommendations for further treatment. Not only will you be able to determine what to do if your shoulders and neck are hurting, but you will also be able to determine the cause of the discomfort that has occurred.

However, it is precisely the pathological changes in the spine that most often provoke the onset of the above disease. Indeed, even minor pathologies of the vertebral region can cause disturbances in the transmission of nerve signals from the spinal cord to the internal systems of the body.

This is due to the fact that each part of the spinal cord controls the work of a certain organ, and in case of disorders in the cervical region, the muscles of the neck and shoulder region, as well as the ENT organs and the thyroid. gland, are affected. The intensity of the pain syndrome depends on the degree of development of the disease.

Therefore, if you have a pain in the back of the head and neck, before looking for a way out, what to do, you need to conduct a full diagnosis. During this, the following activities are implemented:

  • A blood test is done;
  • An ultrasound of the thyroid gland, cervical vessels and salivary glands is performed;
  • A blood test is done for the presence of thyroid hormones;
  • An x-ray of the cervical spine is taken;
  • Electromyography is prescribed;
  • MRI;
  • CT.

In this case, the most informative diagnostic method is MRI. During it, it is possible to make a detailed analysis of the condition of the intervertebral discs, to study the condition of the blood supply organs and to identify the symptoms of compression of the vertebral roots. Thanks to this method, it is possible to judge in advance the presence of a particular condition, in its early stages of development, which significantly increases the effectiveness of future therapeutic measures.

Treatment of neck pain

To understand what to do if the left, front or back part of the neck hurts, individual points should be taken into account, including the intensity of the pain syndrome, the severity of existing changes, the presence of chronic pathologies andthe corresponding expert. opinion. In addition, different therapeutic measures can be recommended for patients with the same type of disorders, since in this case the age factor and the individual characteristics of the organism are taken into account.

However, even if a person has severe back pain, there is no specific way of knowing what to do to correct the situation. The recommended therapeutic measures are always complex in nature and are aimed both at eliminating the negative manifestations of the disease and at combating its causes.

Key elements of the treatment provided include:

  • The use of drugs;
  • Manual processing;
  • Osteopathy;
  • Massage procedures;
  • The use of physiotherapy methods;
  • Visit to a rehabilitation specialist.

In addition, when a pathological process is detected in the region of the cervical vertebrae, the patient should correct his usual way of life. For example, office workers and drivers are encouraged to introduce regular exercise and change body position more frequently during the working day.

You should also enrich your diet with healthy foods. This will speed up the recovery process of the body.

Neck pain medications

The nature of the drugs prescribed depends on the diagnosis and the presence of chronic pathologies. Below we give a list of drugs recommended for most patients when diagnosing such a disease:

Neck pain medications
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They have a strong anesthetic effect, relieve inflammation;
  • Corticosteroid hormones. Helps to cope with inflammation in situations where non-steroidal drugs are inactive;
  • The use of drugs that eliminate muscle spasms, which can significantly reduce the intensity of pain syndrome;
  • Group of drugs, the main components of which are glycosaminoglycans (chondroprotectors). Promote the regeneration of cartilage tissue, have increased efficiency in the early stages of diseases of the spine;
  • Vitamin D. Promotes the restoration of brain function, improves the condition of the skeletal system;
  • Vitamins of group B. Allow to improve the process of transmission of impulses from the spinal cord to internal systems, as well as to normalize their normal functioning;
  • Antibacterial drugs, antihypertensive drugs, hormonal drugs, etc.

In case of painful manifestations of significant intensity, a solution is injected into the area of the nerve endings of the neck, which contains an anesthetic and a corticosteroid hormone. However, during the implementation of the blockade there is a possibility of injury and infection of the nerve, which requires high professional training of a specialist.

Palliative care session for neck pain

Manual neck treatment

One of the most effective methods of eliminating neck pain and the reasons that provoked its appearance is manual therapy. The method is based on a direct effect on the spine and neighboring tissues. The main difference between this procedure and therapeutic massage is the ability to work not only the muscles of the neck and back, but also influence the spine.

With the implementation of manual treatment by a competent specialist, it is possible to achieve a noticeable improvement in the patient's condition after the first procedures. It is possible to obtain a healing effect thanks to:

  • Bring the vertebrae into the correct position and restore the axis of the spine;
  • Expansion of the intervertebral space and release of compressed vessels and roots. This allows you to normalize the functioning of the internal systems of the body, in particular the brain;
  • Relief of muscle spasms and stiff neck, which can reduce the intensity of pain;
  • Restoration of tissue blood supply.
Spine traction can help relieve neck pain

Physiotherapy treatment for neck pain

The main objective of physiotherapeutic procedures is to increase the effectiveness of the therapeutic measures implemented. They are used only outside the exacerbation phase. With a competent professional approach, physiotherapy has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and also allows you to improve blood circulation in the tissues and restore muscle tone.

Most often, the patient is recommended to take courses with 10-15 sessions. These include:

  • Ultrasonic method;
  • Use of laser radiation;
  • Exposure to the affected area with constant electric current in combination with the administration of medicinal substances;
  • Shock wave therapy;
  • Traction of the spine;
  • Mud treatment, etc.

The number of procedures and the frequency of their implementation are determined on a case-by-case basis. Separate methods of influence can be implemented simultaneously, the rest should be carried out at specified intervals.

Shock wave therapy for neck pain

Action of shock wave therapy for neck pain

You should refuse the possibility of any self-medication, as this can not only worsen your condition, but also lead to irreversible consequences. For example, if your neck hurts from behind at the base or if a nerve is pinched, it is better to contact an experienced specialist in a proven clinic.

In the right clinics, modern and effective methods of treatment are implemented, thanks to which each patient has the opportunity to normalize the condition of the neck without dangerous consequences for the body. Thanks to the use of innovative and highly efficient equipment, as well as the participation of high-level specialists in medical procedures, you can count on a reliable and long-term result.

The implemented shock wave therapy will allow you to quickly stop the pain syndrome, cope with the causes of the disease and eliminate the risk of complications in bone tissue and muscle area. You may already feel a noticeable improvement in your condition after the first shockwave exposure procedure.

Exercise therapy to relieve muscle tension in the cervical spine

Physiotherapy exercises for neck pain

If you have a sore neck after sleeping or if you have a pain in turning your head, an obligatory stage of treatment, along with other methods, is exercise therapy. Since the cause of pain in the cervical spine is often excessive muscle tension and concomitant degenerative-dystrophic changes in the vertebrae, exercise therapy should be performed daily.

For each patient, the exercise therapy program is compiled individually. In this case, the individual characteristics of the organism, the age factor, the severity of disorders and the degree of physical fitness of a person are taken into account. The participation of a rehabilitation doctor in the development of the above program is compulsory. In this case, the patient should avoid overloading and sudden movements.

Preventive actions

To avoid the onset of neck pain, the patient must first of all pay attention to the organization of his working day. If his work involves a long stay in one position, a prerequisite for maintaining health is the periodic performance of gymnastics. Obesity is often the cause of pathological conditions of the cervical spine. This suggests the need to introduce a correct diet, go to the gym and exercise in the swimming pool. A special orthopedic mattress should be used for sleeping at night.